Monday, October 12, 2009

not me monday - mckmama

So I wanted to try this again since I could win a really cool prize.

I do not use the puffs and cheerios that are leftover in the high chair after breakfast and serve them as pre-lunch nibbles.

This Mommy also does not eat red velvet cupcakes with creamcheese frosting for breakfast.

I've also never ever used the rewind button during live tv in order to buy myself more time to get stuff done while by almost-3-year-old watches his favorite show.

I also would never stop taking pictures of events that I think are less-important so I won't have to scrapbook them in the future and might sometime get caught up.

I also never tell my kids "because I am the mommy and I said so"

Nope, not me. Must be that other person who sometimes lives here.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Blogging is not Easy

Who knew that blogging could be so hard! I can't find the time to get anything down on paper. . .virtual paper that is. I can't seem to collect my thoughts long enough to formulate a post that no one is going to read anyway. Since it has been 6 or 7 weeks since my last post I am wondering if I am really remembering what I want to with this endeavor. I thought it might be better than a journal because I can type and save and share but at this point I really am not sharing with anyone. So who I am writing for. . . me to remember later. I feel like it is going to take me a really long time to get the hang of this blogging business. If I never blog again . . .I can say that I gave it a try. I experienced it first hand. I would love to do more but time is short and I never know what to write. I think I need to rethink my method for remembering all these wonderful bits and pieces of my life.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Not My Kid Monday!

I did not throw out a pair of boys underwear today after a 2 1/2 year old (who is potty training) did his business in them while playing outside.

I also did not last month experience the same thing with an adult toy while my mother was visiting and the same 2 1/2 year old removed it from the bedroom and started running around the house with it prompting the 8 year old to ask what is that?

I also did not eat only crackers and garlic & herb cheesespread for lunch (ok - that is for not me monday).

My 2 1/2 year old gives me lots to not write about. He also did not climb into the bed of his Daddy's pick-up truck, which was filled with sand for making mud, (as in masonry mud for laying block), and use it as a sandbox wearing only a pull up. Not my handsome boy!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Few of the things Ben says that I want to remember

  • After playing with sidewalk paint he prayed this at dinner "Thank you for playing with paint. Thank you that I could make a mess."
  • We went to Paramus Park Mall and when it was time to leave he told me he did not want to leave. I told him he could not stay by himself. His question was "why not?" Then I asked him if I let him stay by himself how would he get home? His answer with out blinking or thinking "In some ladies car" Yup that is my son.
  • "Where is Cali? Is she sleeping? Can I wake her up?" No you can't. Thank God for a lock on my bedroom door.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Summer Playground Overload

Is Summer Playgound really only 2 1/2 weeks away. Why do I still have so much to do? I need to grow an extra few sets of hands I think to get caught up. They might come in handy to for multitasking and scrapbooking multiple pages at once.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Adrenaline Rush!

Well had a rather aweful experience today. I was getting gas for my minivan. i asked for $25.00 and when he came to get my credit card I thought it was done. I signed the receipt put my copy and card away in my purse and proceeded to drive away. The next thing I hear is this loud noise and my rear windshield is broken. So many emotions came into head at once. Scared that the glass might have reached where Cali & Ben were sitting. Wondering what the heck happend. It turns out that the gas was done pumping but the attendant had not yet removed the hose from the gas tank. I thought I was done. They were very nice at the gas station. The attendant called the owner and he came down to help out. I thought we'd need the police for a report but the owner made some calls and arranged for my window to be fixed. My car is there now and we'll pick it up later once it is fixed. My adrenaline really flowed. I felt it so much I was shaking. It took me a while to calm down. And Benjamin kept repeating me. " Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh" I am feeling much better now. But I was shaken up when it happend.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Crayola - never again in the summer

We had a lot fun at the crayola factory. But never again in the summertime. It was packed and we had hard time finding seats at all the stations. The kids enjoyed the creative aspect of it all. It was fun to come home with crayons and markers and a variety of projects.. the Model Magic didn't make it that far. It is great for all ages but the older ones were able to more without constant supervision. It might also have been beter for Benjamin had it not been jam packed with people. It was a little stressful for me at times because Ben wanted to take off and roam freely. I didn't want to lose him but yet wanted him to have a good time. At the end of the day we were all tired and ready to drive home. I feel like we had good outing but I am not ready for another one anytime soon. (At least not without Daddy).

Friday, July 10, 2009

Calista's Story

Calista Eden was born weighing 7lbs. in the early morning of Thursday, January 22nd, but even the fact that she was born with a bluish hue to her skin and not breathing when she made her appearance couldn’t really give us a glimpse of what we would face with her in the weeks to come. Upon stabilizing her respiration, her nurses discovered that she was having trouble maintaining proper body temperature.
It wasn’t until much later in the day, after the initial problems had been resolved, that the house pediatrician detected a murmur in her heart. He ordered an echocardiogram for the next day to make sure that we could go home and that the problem was nothing that needed immediate care. The echo finally took place in the afternoon and an unofficial diagnosis proclaimed a slight and fairly common connection between her pulmonary artery and aorta— known by professionals as a PDA—which was nothing to be worried about. By this time Calista was about 40 hours old and clinically stable (boy would be hear those two words a lot), so we were sent home and advised to follow up with our pediatrician and a pediatric cardiologist. It was about 8 p.m. Friday night when we finally made it home.
On Monday morning Marcella took Cali to see her pediatrician. Under the fluorescent lights of the exam room, the yellow tone of her skin was very apparent, so we were sent to Valley Hospital for blood work to make sure the jaundice level was not too high and would require treatment. While at Valley we received the news that a second echo would have to be done since the first one was not available for review. The results of this second echo were inconclusive to the cardiologist who read them, but of great enough concern to warrant a personal call from him to us that evening. This was the first time that we spoke with Dr. Marans, who directed us to come to his office early the next morning. We did.
After filling out the obligatory paperwork and an introductory EKG, Calista sleepily endured her third echo – a 50 minute endeavor during which Dr. Marans discovered the source of her trouble was not a PDA but the far more rare and problematic CAF. A coronary arterial fistula— conceptually similar to a PDA—is a connection of the coronary artery to a location other than the heart tissue. In Calista’s case, the left coronary artery was connected to the right atrium which is normally where oxygen-depleted blood is first deposited in the heart. Oxygen rich blood was leaving her heart normally, and feeding into the coronary arteries normally; rather than supplying the heart tissue as it should, however, 90% (their best guess) of that blood was flowing right back to her heart, starting the cycle over again. All of that oxygen was being moved around, but it was never used to feed her body. In order to manage this diversion and receive enough nutrition, her heart had to work more than twice as hard as it should. Dr. Marans told us this condition can only worsen with time, and so, one way or another, the fistula had to be eliminated. We were then sent to The Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital at Columbia Presbyterian for yet another echo using a more advanced machine. At this time Dr. Marans did not know how the fistula was affecting little Cali so he warned us that surgery would probably take place in the next 24 – 48 hours. With this in mind, we headed home for a quick pit stop, gathered a few things, dropped of Cassie & Ben’s car seats, and made our way across the George Washington Bridge.
Nothing prepared us for the sheer size of the MSCHONY (Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York) multiple buildings, many many stories and lots and lots of people. We sat next to Cali and held her hand for a fourth echocardiogram that was conducted by Margaret (the head of the lab), Dr. Marans, and two other cardiologists who were helping to discover more about the CAF. This echo took much longer; if we remember correctly, we were in that room about an hour and a half. It was decided Cali needed a catheterization of the heart in order to be sure of the location and size of the fistula, and to learn more about the anatomy of her heart. It was scheduled for 7 a.m. the next day, so we needed to get all the pre-procedure stuff done right away. We went for blood work and x-rays, and at the end of a very long day headed home at 6:30 p.m. There was snow in the forecast for the next morning so we left our house around 5:30 in order to make it on time. Cali did great with the catheterization. It took some time for her to come out of the anesthesia and, as a precaution, she was admitted for the night. Her cath was very helpful, as it showed them everything they needed to know. It was also determined that her surgery did not need to be performed as quickly as was first determined. She was clinically stable and in no immediate danger; her case was urgent but the doctors felt that they had time to really discuss their options and make sure they were doing the right thing for our daughter. After a night at MSCHONY we went home in the late afternoon. The next day we would visit both the cardiologist and the pediatrician so that both her heart and general health could be monitored. Calista was now a week old.
We were told surgery would come in the next 7 – 10 days, as soon as there was an opening. This would also allow Cali the opportunity to gain some weight. The first week of February was filled with two visits to Dr. Marans and three visits to Maple Ave Pediatrics to be weighed. It was rough, as Cali was not gaining the weight they had hoped she would during the course of the week. She needed more calories, so her milk was fortified with formula. In addition, she had to eat every 2 hours round-the-clock, which was no easy task because she was so sleepy and had no energy. Her heart was working so hard to keep her body going. We waited for an opening for the OR while also hoping it might happen in the Catheterization Lab instead of with surgery. We spent a lot of time praying and talking with friends. We cried.
On Monday February 9 we went back to the cardiologist and the pediatrician. She was still not gaining weight, even with the extra calories. Her heart was just using so much energy. Dr. Marans decided that surgery would have to be soon and would contact the surgery department at MSCHONY again. Later that afternoon the phone rang and it was the hospital. We have a cancelation for Wednesday morning, can you come? WOW! You are waiting for that call to come so that your daughter can get healthy but the actual call makes you feel like you have had the wind knocked out of you. Of course we can come, what do we do? At this point Marcella was feeling a bit better because she has always been an action person—instead of sitting at home waiting feeling helpless because there is nothing she could do to help Cali get better, she could plan care for Cassie & Ben and design a plan of action. She could pack for the hospital. Timmy, however, was not. The fact that surgery was now a cold hard reality instead of an eventual event took everything out of him. We would have to spend most of the day at the hospital on Tuesday going through all the pre-op stuff. Cali needed another EKG, ECHO, X-Rays, Blood Work, and a complete physical by the surgery staff.
Wednesday February 11th was surgery day. We left home very early in the morning with bags packed and not really feeling ready to face what would come ahead. We carried our girl to the door of the operating room and handed her to a nurse who would be by her side during the entire procedure. All that remained for us to do was pray and cry. And that is what we did. We went to the waiting area of the cardiac pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). We took a walk outside, had something to eat, and went back to wait. We felt a sense of peace that can only come from God. After what seemed like a very short amount of time the surgeon, Dr. Jan Quagebore, came to talk with us. All had gone well, Cali was still in the OR and we would see her in an hour or two. The first 6 hours in the PICU were crazy. There were lots of tests and monitoring of everything.
We would spend the next 5 days and nights in the hospital, taking turns going home at night to see Cassie and Ben. We would talk on the phone to friends and family. We received so many encouraging phone calls and e-mails. People reached out from all across the globe. Cali was covered in prayer by so many people, many of whom had never met her, or even us. Every day Cali would make progress recovering from her surgery. She was cared-for by some amazing doctors in the PICU, but the nurses were unbelievably wonderful to her. They treated her with such loving care, and we were so impressed with them. Slowly Cali was taken off all medication, oxygen, and fluids. By the time we went home she was taking Lasiks for her heart function and getting Tylenol as needed.
What a crazy but amazing journey we went on. We learned more about the heart than we’d ever wanted. We felt the power of prayer. We are very happy to be on the other side of the surgery. We are so blessed to have our baby girl home with us and healthy. We continue to be so appreciative of everyone’s prayers and support. We could never have come through this without our Faith, family, friends, church family, and even people we do not know. We are glad to report that the cardiologist thinks she won’t have to have any further procedures. If anything needs to be done in the future it can be done in the catheterization lab. She is no longer taking Lasiks or aspirin. She goes for check-ups at the cardiologist and now is treated like an asymptomatic baby.
She has a joyful personality and loves to smile at everyone. Her baptism was so special for us. God has taken such good care of her and we were thrilled to present her back to Him. We just want to say thank you again for everything. It is an experience, even though it was the hardest thing we have ever had to face, that left us with happy hearts (no pun intended) because of the love we felt and the care we received.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5th (the day after)

The day after my son had no nap yet still woke up at 6 a.m. The day my son had a nap but was still super tired but still took 1 1/2 hours to fall asleep. The day after we spent time with family and friends. The day that we ate the same food we ate the day before because there were so many leftovers. Busy week ahead. . .my best friends son is coming to stay for 2 nights but a lot to do before then.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

last Day of Second Grade

Not sure how I feel about that title. My almost 8 year old being done with 2nd grade. It could be a great summer being home with her, my two year old son, and the 4 1/2 month old baby girl. The older two kids fight a lot and well it can get old fast. So we shall see how it goes. Trying to plan some fun stuff for her. Need to get her to a camp of some kind but have not done so yet. Need to work on that. . .again. I should work on that right now. So off I go . . .Summer 2009 here we come. Ready or Not.

Monday, June 15, 2009

oops I forgot to add this!

and this! I am so new at this stuff!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Not Me Monday - my first try

I am not sitting here in the clothes I wore yesterday and wore to bed last night and am still wearing until I get in the shower AFTER I write this post.
I did not let my 2 1/2 year old eat chips and salsa for lunch today.
I most certainly did not start my 4 month old on fruit before cereal.
I also did not eat cake for breakfast on my birthday last week.
This Mommy also did not allow her son to have a sip of her adult beverage with the hopes that he would stop asking instead of liking it.
Nope not Me. I would never do anything like the stuff mentioned above. I always remember to buy new milk and never let food go bad in the back of the fridge only to wonder what that gross smell is when you open the door. I don't spend too much time on the internet reading blogs and looking up random stuff and checking on my friends on facebook.
Definately not me!

Friday, May 29, 2009

My Crazy Son

So we were all outside. I was working in the garden, my husband was mowing the lawn and Cali was sleeping. Ben & Cassie were in and out of the house. When I could not find Ben during one of my check ups I searched all outside and finally found him inside when I heard water running in the upstairs bathroom. He told me he was pretending the sink was a bathtub and he was getting himself clean. So there was my naked son in the sink squeezing out face lotion, toothpaste, and other thinks onto himself. I was not happy. I did take a video for later. Where does he get these crazy idea.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So not sure how many people will end up reading what I write but for the most part i want to record the crazy things that happen in my life for when I can't remember them. . . like when I will scrapbook these years in the future. Tonight I watched Idol and was sooo dissappointed when Danny was sent home. . . should have voted.