Monday, October 8, 2012

And There goes September...

Besides the normal 1st day of school stuff that happens in September ~ as seen by the previous post ~ we had an extra few adventures.

We went to San Diego for a wedding.  All five of us got on a plane to fly across the country to what we thought would be amazing Southern California weather.  Not so.  It was a heatwave...highs of 104, 106...the highest temperatures they have seen in 15 - 20 years!!! was HOT!!!
The wedding was beautiful and we enjoyed every moment we spent in Cali.  Our kids were very well behaved pretty much everywhere we went.  I giggled a few times because I was taking my Cali to Cali LOL  :-)  We went to the beach, the zoo, tried surfing, ate fish tacos & enjoyed In & Out Burgers.  It was a quick trip but we had so much fun...just don't ask why I slept in 4 different beds in 4 days.

We also went to Hershey Park with our dearest friends the Millers.  We had such a fun time and once again we closed down the park.

Cassie joined the Cross Country Team so we've been to a few meets at Goffle Brook Park.

I hosted my friends from Steel Magnolias for a party of the patio...we had so much fun then too.

Foodie Club continues to be such a great time.  I laugh so hard when I am with these ladies.  Italian Night was a success but I am tickled pink to have talked them into an Asian night....Thailand here we come!!!!!!!!!!!

Ben is having a great year so far at Coolidge.  I am class mom and have gotten involved there with a few things.  Cassie is doing good in 6th grade too.  I signed up to be her class mom too.

October is a week old already and has proven to be exciting as well.  Never enough time though.  Still never enough time to everything.