Saturday, June 22, 2013

Happy Summer! ~ a note to my kids

School's out for 1.  Two more 1/2 days for the other one.
Summer has begun.
I love the lack of schedule.
Love not having to herd everyone out the door in a mad dash to not be tardy.
I don't love everybody being together all the time
I am am not that Mom.
I am not the Mom that loves playing endless games.
I hate messes.
I hate chalk, bubbles, mud, sand, and other things that make more work.
I like my kids to entertain themselves.
It boggles me that they can't just play with their toys
I was an only child until age 8 but by then the age difference was too great to gain a playmate.
I played by myself for hours, days at a time continuing the same imagination game.
I loved playing with all the paper & notebook, & pens & makers my Dad brought home from work.
All of them had KLM printed on them  :-)
I will do fun stuff with their kids but I am not the entertainment committee.
The daily stuff does not stop.
We have a few camp things set up.  A week at the beach.
A few day trips maybe.  Nana & Pop's pool will be a frequent stop.
Making paper is on our list for the summer.
Also fruit picking of many varieties.
They'll play in the backyard a lot.
It will be fun but I hope my kids realize they have to make some of their own fun.
I cannot be responsible to make it happen.  Let you imagination go wild