Monday, October 12, 2009

not me monday - mckmama

So I wanted to try this again since I could win a really cool prize.

I do not use the puffs and cheerios that are leftover in the high chair after breakfast and serve them as pre-lunch nibbles.

This Mommy also does not eat red velvet cupcakes with creamcheese frosting for breakfast.

I've also never ever used the rewind button during live tv in order to buy myself more time to get stuff done while by almost-3-year-old watches his favorite show.

I also would never stop taking pictures of events that I think are less-important so I won't have to scrapbook them in the future and might sometime get caught up.

I also never tell my kids "because I am the mommy and I said so"

Nope, not me. Must be that other person who sometimes lives here.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Blogging is not Easy

Who knew that blogging could be so hard! I can't find the time to get anything down on paper. . .virtual paper that is. I can't seem to collect my thoughts long enough to formulate a post that no one is going to read anyway. Since it has been 6 or 7 weeks since my last post I am wondering if I am really remembering what I want to with this endeavor. I thought it might be better than a journal because I can type and save and share but at this point I really am not sharing with anyone. So who I am writing for. . . me to remember later. I feel like it is going to take me a really long time to get the hang of this blogging business. If I never blog again . . .I can say that I gave it a try. I experienced it first hand. I would love to do more but time is short and I never know what to write. I think I need to rethink my method for remembering all these wonderful bits and pieces of my life.