Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thanksgiving is when??!??!

Having no power for 8 days was a challenge
A challenge we survived and came away from very Thankful for all the goodness God had shown us during very trying times.
However once the power came back on we were exhausted.  8 days of planning, timing everything as best we could, 8 days of trying to not to make a mess.  Two nights after the power came back on I slept for close to 11 hours!  I am so grateful to have power back on and that life is sort of back to normal.  Yet there is a lingering twinge of disarray left in the air.  Those 2 weeks of not normal are going to have lasting impact.  It threw everything off.  We have seen pictures of our beloved Ocean Grove, NJ ~ while the damage there was minimal compared to other shore towns there was definate losses that are evident. So just how does this all relate to Thanksgiving?  I promise there is a link.  See "loosing" two weeks to Sandy has made everything happen sooner than I realized it would.  And with Thanksgiving being very early this year it just snuck up on us.  I am not ready for all this.  I feel so behind in my Christmas shopping.  I didn't spend hours looking for fun new recipes to make.  I am trying to be organized about it all but it is just not working.  Christmas cards are almost finalized!   But my brain feels scattered.  Ben's birthday is also right around the corner and after his b-day the Christmas celebrations begin!  One day at a time.  I am trying to enjoy the moments I can and to keep it simple.  I don't always do simple well.  I like a big splash!  For now I will do somethings I love, (going out to eat with friends, seeing a movie w. my hubby, making Thanksgiving Baskets with youth group) and somethings I don't ~ washing dishes, dusting, cleaning up after 3 kids and trying to decide what to give as Christmas gifts this year).

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And Just How Did It Get to Be November 7th

YIKES!!!! October came and went with a blur.
Hurricane Sandy certainly played a big part in making the transition from October and November very complicated.  A week off of school for both kids in school.  An extra 2 days off for Ben since the power outages in Wyckoff were/are so bad.
To top it all off I am typing as it is snowing outside.  Did I mention that there was 2.0 earthquake the other day only about 15 miles from here????
So to summarize October I'll make an pictures this time, they are still on my camera.
October 3:  MOPS, Cross Country, GEMS
October 7:  Youth Group & Amplified
October 9:  Cross Country
10th:  New Hope
11th:  Cross Country....leave for Pittsburgh
In Pittsburgh ~ go to the playground, celebrate Cora's Birthday, Wii Just Dance, Fall Festival
14th:  Return from Pittsburgh
16th:  Cross Country, pick up Cliff from airport, Steel Magnolias
17th:  MOPS, GEMS
20th:  Wyckoff 5k, Corn Maze
21st:  Youth Group & Amplified
22nd:  Sierra Hull Concert
25nd:  Harvest Festivals
26th:  Foodie Club Thailand Night!!!  Delicious & Fun!
27th:  Trunk or Treat, Halloween Party @ Denekamps
28th:  Family Pictures and Dinner with the Wilsons
29th:  Hurricane Sandy arrive
30th:  no school
31th:  no school