Thursday, February 25, 2010

Officially Sick of Snow!

I am fed up with the snow! Another snowday for both my kids. My plans to go shopping with a friend out the window. Another day in the house with my kids. Hopefully they won't fight too much. They are already fighting over the tv. So I am carefully having to manage the shows that are selected. I am supertired. My 1 year old woke up around midnight again, screaming. I nursed her she fell asleep and I put her back only to hear louder screaming just a few minutes later. I let her "cry it out" for a while but no end in site. I think I dozed on and off for a bit. Then around 3 a.m. I took her to the living room where i nursed her again and fell asleep on my couch with my feet on the coffee table at some point. I woke up around 6 or 6:30 when my husband got up. I am spending too much time on the couch with that little girl. For someone who is very happy during the day, was on her 5ht night of sleeping thru the night, the last few night have been bad. I am so tired!
Add that to having the kids home for a snowday, my ruined plans, and not yet having all the ingredients for tonight or tomorrow nights dinner, makes for a cranky mommy. I have no idea what we will eat. there is food in my house, don't get me wrong just nothing that "goes" so if I serve eggs for dinner tonight b/c I bought 2 dozen yesterday b/c they were on sale please don't tell anyone. We are also supposed to have friends over for dinner tonight, but as this snow is just supposed to keep going I don't think that will happen. Especially since he plows when it snows. So hopefully, they will play outside longer than it takes to put on all the snow gear. Cali does not do well outside, she loves it but gets cold fast still. it is barely 8 a.m. and I already feel defeated by today. Hopefully I'll get some cleaning done and also some laundry but for now I'll have a pity party in my cup of coffee. I'm allowed right? So now my errand list just got really huge for tomorrow and I'll have to do it with two kids instead of one. And it might still be crappy weather. Please bring on spring. Now.