Wednesday, June 17, 2009

last Day of Second Grade

Not sure how I feel about that title. My almost 8 year old being done with 2nd grade. It could be a great summer being home with her, my two year old son, and the 4 1/2 month old baby girl. The older two kids fight a lot and well it can get old fast. So we shall see how it goes. Trying to plan some fun stuff for her. Need to get her to a camp of some kind but have not done so yet. Need to work on that. . .again. I should work on that right now. So off I go . . .Summer 2009 here we come. Ready or Not.

Monday, June 15, 2009

oops I forgot to add this!

and this! I am so new at this stuff!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Not Me Monday - my first try

I am not sitting here in the clothes I wore yesterday and wore to bed last night and am still wearing until I get in the shower AFTER I write this post.
I did not let my 2 1/2 year old eat chips and salsa for lunch today.
I most certainly did not start my 4 month old on fruit before cereal.
I also did not eat cake for breakfast on my birthday last week.
This Mommy also did not allow her son to have a sip of her adult beverage with the hopes that he would stop asking instead of liking it.
Nope not Me. I would never do anything like the stuff mentioned above. I always remember to buy new milk and never let food go bad in the back of the fridge only to wonder what that gross smell is when you open the door. I don't spend too much time on the internet reading blogs and looking up random stuff and checking on my friends on facebook.
Definately not me!