Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Concert

My daughter performed in her first concert last night.  She is a member of her school's 5th & 6th grade choir.  They sang two songs and then sang a third combining with the 7th & 8th grade choir.
One of the songs they sang I sang when I was in 7th grade.  "No School Tomorrow if it Snows."
All these years later, I can still remember most of the words & it pops into my head when my kids have school days.  It's quite amazing to see her in the same room, also standing in the backrow, singing this song.
I told her this song will be in her head for the rest of her life!  It's been  quite some time since I was in 7th grade and it is still with me. 

Cali's New Haircut!

So instead of reinventing the wheel please go here for the story & pictures.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I know I just wrote about prayer a few days ago.  But boy has prayer been heavy on my heart again.
I feel overwhelmed with all the things I want/need to pray for on a daily basis.
i've considered a prayer journal where I just list the things I want/need to pray for. 
There is so many people whose lives in someway touch mine that need prayer.
I need prayer.  I need to pray more for my kids & my husband. 
There are so many huge needs out there right now and I am overwhelmed by some of them.
(I used the word overwhelmed twice now - I really am finding that God is pressing some of these things on my heart).  So off I go to pray...I've never felt so much the need to pray.

Also...just a side note...Ben told me morning he wanted a bigger house.  I asked why...we live very comfortably in a 4 bedroom home.  He didn't have a reason, he wanted nicer.  I gave him a speech about people who don't have homes,or clothes, or toys, or food.  And he said "like the people in Paterson."
I asked him where he heard about that...he replied something along the lines of Jesus told my heart to tell you that or Jesus told me to say that to you.  He asked if he could go build a house for them.  He also asked he if could take some of his clothes & toys and give them to people.  It was a good discussion with him that ended in me praying for people who are homeless or don't have their basic needs met.  When I said "amen", Ben told me "nice prayer mom." 

Love my Ben and his insights!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

my headache

I had a headache for quite a few days that would come and go.
In the morning it would feel like i was hungover but I have not had a drink in quite sometime.
During the day it would come & go and when it got really annoying, I would take advil.
This morning, i decided no more.   I really need this to go away.  So off to the chiropractor I went.
I could feel the headache coming from my back into my shoulders and moving into the base of my neck and right in the hairline.  I am sore now from the massive adjustment I needed but boy it is better that that dull headache that was with me.  He pushed on two spots right below the ears right below the hairline that as pressure was applied it just got better.  Having my bones cracked has always made me nervous and it is not something I do with pleasure but it has made a huge difference for this now-defunct headache!

Now for some yoga to strech everything out and keep it from coming back!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Ben!

Ben turned 5 on November 27th!
Can't believe he's that big already!

A few pictures to remember the occasion!

Christmas Tree ~ the 2011 edition

So let me start by saying I love Christmas!!!
I love getting a tree (I mean the perfect tree), it is a challenge I adore!
Ever since we've been married Timmy & I have supported our Christian School ( at Christmas time by ordering our tree from them.  So that is 11 trees that have been purchased from ECSA and have found homes inside in all 4 places we have lived since getting married.  This year there was no tree sale.. Interest had faded over the years...the Christmas Bazaar event where the trees were sold has since been cancelled.  So we decided that we would join our friends and cut down a tree together.
Filled with images of strolling side by side thru the fields of trees looking for that perfect tree to grace our living room as the centerpiece of our Christmas decorating, we set of to Sussex County and a small Christmas tree farm.  Who knew that this event could be so challenging.  A local restaurant where we were going to eat lunch had a huge line so off to the farm we went first.  Among our group there were 2 very cranky, clingy, crabby two -year olds. 

Two five-year olds who insisted on carrying the saws & at times using them in there karate demonstrations. 

While out in the fields we needed a bathroom break for the 2 year old boy, then the 2 year old girl needed to go.  This Mommy was not walking back to the porta potty so I held her in some tall grass.  Next we experienced a nose bleed from my 5 year old.  There was a lot of back and forth about which tree to get.  We settled on a beautiful tree (it's a bit wider than I thought in the field). Did I mention that Cali had to pee again & we found another nice secluded area for her to go. 

Back at the restaurant (now it is between 3 and 4 p.m.) there is still a 20+ minute wait for a table.  What the heck?  Of course my Cassie can't go to a restaurant without feeling full after 2 bites.  She had to go outside to get air.  She was going to wait for us in the car while we finished up eating.  (The 5 year olds were so crazy & wired while dining that we had to separate them).  When we get to the car, she was missing.  She had gone to the bathroom but of course we had to look for her.  We found her & made our way home.
Once at home we had trouble getting the tree to stand straight in the stand.  Timmy settled on tying it to the mantle with some fishing line to keep it stable.  It was quite the adventure.  Not one I am sure we will repeat next year.  I joked with my friend that we should leave the kids home & make it an adults only outing.  :-)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy December!!

Ok so it is December 2nd today!
Yikes...I love December!
I love decorating my decorating the tree.
I love wrapping gifts and picking paper for my kids.
Each kid gets three gifts from Mommy & Daddy, a la the three gifts the wisemen brought Jesus.
It is fun to decide what those 3 gifts will be.
Something fun &'s also fun to find the best deal possible.
Each kid gets there own paper that this year will be used only for their gifts.
This year I went w what they like...princesses, spiderman, & tinkerbell.
Usually I coordinate the 3 papers in style or color but this year just fun!
I can't wait to go cut down a tree tomorrow.  We have never done that before!
Excited to do this with our dear friends!  I'm 1/3 of the way thru with getting my Christmas cards out the door. Hope to finish that tonight.  Still need to finish shopping!
Happy December!

Blessed Christmas to all!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I feel like I've been doing a lot of praying lately.
I have never been the one to hunker down in solitude & pray.
I don't pray out loud...i mostly think inside my head or maybe mutter some words under my breathe.
I've had so many things placed on my heart.  People, situations, sickness, life in general.
I still don't go into prayer mode so to speak.  I just kind of go thru my day having a run on conversation with God.  It gets interupted a lot, I get side tracked in my thoughts...yet lately the same few people & things keep coming back to me over & over again.  Of course, there are huge things going on around me.  There are things in my own life I feel need to much prayer right now.  So glad God hears all our prayers!  Whether just a few muttered words while picking up toys or those last thoughts before I fall asleep.  I am grateful I don't need to be organized about prayer.  Just whatever my heart is feeling. 

Happy December!