Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Meal plan for the week

As the summer weather seems to be staying around for a while I am challenged to plan meals for my family. Without central air conditioning I do not like to turn on the oven or boil water as it makes the whole kitchen too hot. My microwave is broken so meal planning becomes a challenge. I love to grill but always have to plan since we have charcoal. I love charcoal but there is nothing quick about it.
So this is the plan for the week.

Tues: Grilled Chicken, Tuna Noodle, Broccoli Slaw
Wed: Burritos filled with rice, beans, chicken, advocado, salsa, tomatoes
Thurs: kids only - Tim & Cell out for 10th anniversary - Brats and kraut and snicker salad
Fri: at Denekamps (tentative)
Sat: Great Adventure!
Sun: Breakfast - bacon, eggs, toast
Lunch - 524 Hopper Ave
Dinner - kids only - chicken nuggets, baby carrots
Mon: Timmy & kids only - cell out w. E-Beth to celebrate b-days
sloppy joes

that's what I have planned for now. This warmer weather is harder for me. I am looking forward to doing some ribs soon and also some sate.