Monday, October 17, 2011

A Walk Around The Lake

My friend Emily invited us to come to the Glen Rock Arboretum. It was a beautiful fall afternoon to go for a little walk outside. The colors were beautiful & all we had for taking pictures were our cellphones! The kids loved the water and following the path. Of course, Ben didn't wear shoes. I'm excited to share our pictures from our fun afternoon (even if they are from a cellphone!) Ben & Cali & Logan helped me take these fun shots of our walk around the lake.

30 questions....just in case you were interested.

1. Name someone with the same birthday as you.  Tret Bushman from my church

2. What has been your favorite age so far? senior of college was a lot of fun...i was 21 then.

3. Where did you meet your husband? for the first time when i was in 5th grade...

4. How many children do you have? 3

5. Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people?  in a choir

6. What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite gender? overall impression

7. What really turns you off? whining

8. What do you order at Starbucks? i'm partial to caramel macchiato

9. What is your biggest mistake? not trusting

10. As a child, what did you want to grow up to be? A Chef!

11. Say something totally random about yourself.  I picked out my own engagement ring

12. Do you still watch kiddie movies or TV shows? yes, some i enjoy much more than others.

13. Did you have braces? no

14. Favorite Social Network? facebook

15. What is the most romantic thing someone has done for you? In high school, my then boyfriend, now husband, walked from his house to mine (which according to google maps is a little over 4 miles) the morning after a blizzard.  There was no way his car would have made it in the snow so he walked.  :-)

16. When do you know when it’s love? When you go to bathroom with the door open.

17. Do you speak any other languages? Dutch, a splash of french & spanish - mostly food items

18. Have you ever been to a tanning salon? never

19. What magazines do you read? Cooking Light, Bon Appettite, Family Circle,

20. What is playing on your iPod right now? no iPod

21. Have you ever ridden in a limo? yes, for weddings.

22. Has anyone you were really close to passed away? yes

23. Do you watch MTV? no

24. What’s something that really annoys you? laziness

25. Which television show you were sad to say goodbye to? La Femme Nikita, Life, Alias,

26. Can you dance? no

27. What’s your favorite place in the world? love to be on the to sit around a fire too.

28. Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? no ambulance rides for me!

29. If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be? sister.

30. If you could change one thing in the world for your child, what would it be? security in all areas of life.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

some things i want to remember

Upon Ben completing a puzzle Cali is clapping for him saying "yeah Ben."

Cali telling mommy "no see Mommy. Go Kitchen"  when she is being naughty and doesn't want to get in trouble.

Cali talking on the "phone" to Oma, Emmy, Auntie Mama, Uncle Cliff, Matt (bushoven), from church.

How much Ben & Cali love each other and miss each other.

How Ben includes Cali when he is playing outside with the boys & lets her tag along.

Finding Ben inside the garbage barrel we use for grass, crying b/c Luke didn't want to play with him anymore & he hurt his feelings.

More Higher! - Cali