Monday, April 30, 2012

Ben's Wisdom

Is legacy a disease with your leg?

I know two ways parents can remember their kids after they die.  You can go to the cemetary where they get burried or you can have them in a box in your house after they get burned up.  Then you can see the box and remember your kid.

a discussion on spending vs. saving....
Can you take me to spend my sixteen dollars?
mommy talks about saving vs. spending...saving for something big vs. little stuff....
Ben:  maybe i can give some of it to the poor people in Paterson
mommy tells him a good way to help poor people is to buy groceries for New Hope.  he should pick out some of his favorite foods and give them to the food pantry to help others.
Ben likes this idea then says "You know what my favorite part about New Hope is?"
mommy knew his answer before he said it.  "Little Hannah"  Oh my boy loves his friends!!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Homemade Laundry Soap

In an effort to save $$$ I started making my own laundry soap to use for towels, whites, work clothes, sheets, blankets.
I have been very excited by how well it works.
I still buy some regular detergent to use on the gentle cycle but happily saving money on a necessary evil.
So if you want to try here is the recipe I follow.
1 box washing soda ($2.99 for a 55 ounce box @ shoprite)
1 box borax ( $3.99 for a 79 ounce box @ shoprite)
1 bar Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps Bar Soap - Pure-Castile All-One Hemp Lavender
Made with organic oils! ($2.89 for a 5 ounce bar @ shoprite)

1 bar Fels-Naptha Heavy Duty Laundry Bar Soap ($1.29 for a 5.5 ounce bar @ Shoprite)

I've used other bar soaps in place of the Dr. Bronner's but recently discovered this soap and have been wanting to give it a go.  comes in other scents too.

The last time I made a batch was January.  It is almost May & am finally out.  I did use my Up & Up detergent as well.  But I purchased a large container of that in January as well and I still have 2 loads in there ( I think).

The hardest part is grating the bars of soap with microplane or cheese grater.  

mix everything together in a large container.

use 1 or 2 Tablespoons per load.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Where is my Ben????

Ben has not been himself for the last 10 days or so.
At first I thought it was being tired from too much outside play & not enough sleep & downtime.
This boy was made for outside.
Bare feet, dirty everything.  Feet so black I can't scrub them clean.
I think he is growing too because he is eating up a storm.
But he's also been having a hard time letting go at school in the morning.
Extra hugs & kisses - - saying things like "Mommy I want to spend the whole day with you."
"I don't want to go to school today."  He's been having a hard time with his best buddy at school.
They get along so well most of the time but when they disagree it gets unpleasant fast.  I worry too b/c Ben is quite a bit bigger than his friend and sometimes they play rough on purpose.
I am at a loss.  This is so not like him.
He usually only is this way with his big sister, and that is b/c that is the way she treats him.
But now it is spilling over...and i keep talking and talking and some yelling and sometimes grabbing him to stop him in his tracks so he can regroup and refocus his energy in a positive way.
He's copying so much of Cassie's negative behavior.
I have been questioning God's decision to give us three kids.  Can I really do this?
I am a stay-at-home-mom yet most days I feel like I have no clue & am flying by the seat of my pants.
Why won't my kids obey (even just part of the time).  Why is everything a battle?
Why is it so hard to understand that the decisions Mommy & Daddy make for you are not made to be mean or annoy you but that we are looking ahead many years from now to help you become an adult who can function in society.  I am daily challenged as a parent.  I can feel the hairs on my neck raise up as I try to teach my kids manners or respect.  Or how to treat people you don't like.  It's a tough road and I know it will get harder.  Some days I am just at a loss.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

mother's day greetings

5x7 Folded Card
View the entire collection of cards.

will be sending my Mom in Florida some special greetings for Mother's Day

Something Ben said a few weeks back

The conversation went something like & so said they know of someone who married someone 20 years older than them. isn't that crazy many years between me and gwen? 5 1/2 bud she's the same age as Cassie. 
oh, that's not too many right?

Easter in Review

Easter 2012 in pictures!  :-)

sew far behind!

So I am already behind in my sewing lessons.
I bought everything (that's the easy part for me) but have yet to turn on the machine.
That is next!  I plan to make time soon to go thru the lessons that have already been posted.
This is something I really want!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sewing 101

This will be one of my activities this month!
I am so excited...
you can follow along too!

Off I go!  Wish me Luck!