Monday, August 24, 2009

Not My Kid Monday!

I did not throw out a pair of boys underwear today after a 2 1/2 year old (who is potty training) did his business in them while playing outside.

I also did not last month experience the same thing with an adult toy while my mother was visiting and the same 2 1/2 year old removed it from the bedroom and started running around the house with it prompting the 8 year old to ask what is that?

I also did not eat only crackers and garlic & herb cheesespread for lunch (ok - that is for not me monday).

My 2 1/2 year old gives me lots to not write about. He also did not climb into the bed of his Daddy's pick-up truck, which was filled with sand for making mud, (as in masonry mud for laying block), and use it as a sandbox wearing only a pull up. Not my handsome boy!