Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Weekend

Ah the weekend. Whereas most people like weekends best I have to count myself among the people that don't. Is it because my job is 24/7? Or that the weekend finds 5 people in my house for long streches of time? Or the fact that any where you go there are so many people. Come on, do all those people really need to be at the store at the same time as me?? I do get things done on the weekend. I try to focus on laundry. I try to do errands without kids leaving them in Daddy's hands while I zip in out of places stroller free. I enjoy that. I don't enjoy going out on friday night for a date with my husband and having every restaurant we try to go to at 8 p.m. have a wait of at least 15 minutes. Madness. In theory weekends are great opportunities for parties, getting stuff done, and general resting. In reality the whole world is trying to get stuff done!! I am blessed to be able to do a lot of stuff during the week. I will keep doing that and online shopping never hurt anyone.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Calista Eden

So as yesterday we celebrated Cali's 1st birthday and today we host a party in her honour I reflect on the year past. WOW what a year! Cali is such a tough cookie - -she has been thru so much. I have lost track of the numbers but it goes something like this: 1 heart surgery, 2 catheterizations, 3 ear infections, 1 nebulizer, 2 very expensive shots agains RSV, countless visits to her cardiologist, pediatricians, 10 -15 visits to a lab for bloodwork, about 50 EKGS, probably about 25 echocardiograms, 6 - 8 prescriptions, 1 purple blanket, 1 luckie hat, 1 lucky lion, 1 big sister, 1 big brother, lots of cheerios, lots of hawaiian delight, 1 vacation at the beach, 1 baptism, a few scares, 1 visit to an orthopedic doctor, 7 nights at Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York, in the fist week of life managing to visit 3 hospitals, my first christmas, more hugs than we can count, more kisses than we ever thought imaginable, tears to go with all of it and many friends made along the way. The most amazing thing about it all is how God has been there thru it all. Not all that amazing I guess, since that is what He does. But we've seen the power of prayer. How truly amazing it can be to part of God' family. How those who share in our burdens and joy do so fullfold. So here I sit praising God for the life HE has given to my daughter, for the support HE put into place for us, for the goodness HE has shown, for the blessings I don't even realize are there. GOD IS GOOD! So Happy Birthday Cali, let's make the next year less eventful please!