Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Having a rough couple of days.  Cali is sick with stomache flu.  I feel like i can't get out to do the basics.  Like get groceries.  I've been doing extra laundry but not really washing what needs to get done.  I've been doing extra cleaning but my house is a mess.  Spend 2 1/2 hours at the pediatricians trying to get a urine sample for Miss Cali but no luck.  So hopefully it is not a UTI that is making her sick. . . but now I am worried b/c I am not sure if she is dehydrated or not.  She is drinking but seems to be vomitting or pooping it out.  I feel like my to-do-list is super long.  Tonight I am on my own. . . my husband has a meeting.  I was at Bible study last night with my red velvet cake without the red.  I look forward to taking a shower later.  Hope Cali is ok for going to school today to pick up the other kids.  they got rides to school. . . getting home is another story.  more coffee for me now. . .maybe a piece of cake.  Feeling overwhelmed by this sickness. . . it's supposed to be spring!  But instead it all feels yucky. 

Psalm 16:8
I keep my eyes always on the LORD.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.