Saturday, April 27, 2013

Things to Remember ~ the good stuff

Ben in conversation with his Daddy ~
The Easter Bunny, Santa & The Tooth Fairy must be nocturnal because they only come out at night.
And Santa must be magical because either he makes himself skinny to go down the chimney or he makes the chimney fat so he can fit down it.

Cali ~
Mommy can you please move the sun....pause...actually Mommy can you please close the shade.


I am feeling most challenged and overwhelmed by motherhood this morning.
I am tired of repeating myself over and over and over again.
I am tired to listening to them fight among themselves.
I am tired to endless requests.
I am tired of not being able to complete a task without interruption.
I am sick of complaints about everything....its never enough or fair enough.
Nothing is ever "right."  And I am just fed-up.
Even as I take a few minutes to gather my thoughts I am interrupted with a request.
And when I say I will do it in just a few moments I am being battered with the same request over and over.  I am trying to find peace in all this.  I know there is so much out there that is much more and much worse that what I am struggling with.  But I am in my world, with my realities, and boy it is tough for me right now.  My kids issues is just one of the things that I am trying to understand/process/deal with/accept.  Just looking for peace.